Harry can read at a remarkable speed. Have a reading race, and he’ll win it.

But if anyone asks about the book he read last, he’ll never remember what’s in it.

-Sarah, “Poems for Children”

Sarah Burr has been an author for as long as she can remember. She dictated stories to her mother before she knew how to write, and she has rarely spent a week without writing in the more than 30 years since she learned how.

She has 5 published adult novels on Amazon, 2 others that are available for download on her website, and 2 of her favorite ones are waiting to be published soon!

Sarah is also a prolific creator of children’s educational books, with over 20 books published. Her favorites are the Math Pirates series, an engaging series of "Choose Your Own Adventure” books that teach kids math. Used in hospitals and by parents all over the world, her Preemie Sibling books, “My Sister/Brother Came Early”, help children to understand their new premature baby siblings.

She loves ghost tours, ghost towns, old churches, and cemeteries — the more jumbled and poorly maintained, the better. She also loves chasing waterfalls, but her family warns unsuspecting newcomers not to accompany her on these excursions, as she will invariably get the entire party lost. She says of these trips, “We may not have found the waterfall, but at least we had an unforgettable adventure,” to which her husband would reply, “It’s only memorable because of how miserable and life-threatening it was.”

Sarah lives with said husband, two sons (when they’re not away at college,) her parents, and her two cats (she loves them, but they overtly prefer her husband, which she takes personally). They live in a small New Mexico town with a painfully well-organized and well-maintained cemetery.

Her favorite bands are Mcfly (favorite song: “Transylvania”) and The Mountain Goats (favorite song: “Steal Smoked Fish.”) Her day job is in IT at a national laboratory, which she enjoys, but has learned from people’s yawns and subject changes to not talk about it much. However, if you want to talk about writing and good music - extra points for knowing Mcfly and The Mountain Goats — please reach out about either of those subjects!